Happy Birthday Makenna!!

August 30, 2007

Today our little punkin is 2 years old!  Um, you might think I would post a picture at this point, but…I promise I will soon!

What’s New in Our World

August 23, 2007

Our family has suddenly been dropped into Terrible Two World.  Ahhh…I don’t have much to say other than her sweet moods are the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen, but her defiant moods are…let’s not go there.  She doesn’t go for the traditional toddler “NO!”, she constantly gives me a flippant little “Nope.”  For example, “Time to go to the store Makenna, Time to eat Makenna”, etc…  “Nope” is her response to everything, with an imaginary flip of her hair (cause she has none) and her nose stuck in the air.  Seriously, she’s like a miniature teenager.  We’re also having trouble with understanding her huge new vocabulary.  I never know what’s going to come out of her mouth, and half the time I can’t understand her new words.  The SECOND I show confusion or interpret her the wrong way, she throws her head back in disgust and squeezes her eyes shut for a full 10 seconds or so, as if to say “Oh my gosh, if I have to deal with this ignorant mother for one more second I’m going to explode.”  In other news, Makenna turns 2 a week from today!

Catch-up on Pics

August 23, 2007

Here’s some pics from our photo shoot yesterday, where Makenna is wearing one of the dresses Katy made for her.  There’s also some from the beach, and some random ones I think… 

Videos Galore

August 23, 2007

Yes, I am well aware that I have completely fallen down on the job.  To make it up to everyone, here are some new videos.  The first four are actually two that I had to cut in half.  Most of the time she’s singing “Wheels on the Bus.”  She loves the part about the mommies on the bus saying “shh shh shh”…as you can see.  🙂  Oh, and she likes to sing in super-speed.

And this one is for Katy.  One day she just said “Maggie and Tiny” plain as day! 

More Daddy and Makenna

August 12, 2007


If I was smart enough to learn how to edit out that darn Walmart bag, I would blow that one up as one of my all-time faves.



Does anyone have any suggestions on how to document that I was actually a part of Makenna’s childhood too?  😉

Genius, of course. :)

August 8, 2007

Makenna’s sentences are coming along quite nicely.  This morning I was greeted with a “Mommy, WAKE UP!”, and when we’re getting ready to go somewhere, Mark usually gets a “Daddy, come on…”.  A true testament to our characters–I’m always asleep and he’s always lagging behind.  😉  Love you, honey!

Today we were playing blocks, and I pointed out a little block, then a big block.  Makenna immediately pointed to the same blocks, but she said “Menna” for the little block and “Mimi” (her version of mommy) for the big block.  I don’t know if I’m just being proud mommy here, but I think that’s a pretty fast and clever thought process for being just under 2 years old!   She also has a memory that blows me away.  Anyway, since that incident I’ve taken the liberty of going ahead and jotting down some possible AP class schedules… 😉  That one goes out to Caryn, Anne, Eric, Leah, Tanya and Chad, my fellow veterans.

Happy 17th Kylie!!

August 8, 2007



Yes, Makenna looks so much like Kylie it’s scary.  At least we already know she’ll be a knockout teenager!  Hmm…maybe I need to rethink that a bit…  😉

Lesson in Nutrition

August 8, 2007




“That was delish.”






“Pretty please???”

Does anyone know if a child can survive solely on yellow cake?  If so, I may have found the solution to Makenna’s eating problems.  Naturally, my child would pick a made-from-scratch yellow cake (that takes EIGHT egg yolks) as her favorite food ever.  I have never seen her eat something with so much enthusiasm.  Of course, her mean mommy only let her have two pieces and then threw the rest away (I have a compulsive baking habit, for those of you that don’t know…I bake things and either give them away or throw them away, haha).  On the bright side, her passion for water hasn’t let up a bit.  Here’s a pic of her trying to drink 2 sippys at once:


Best Buds

August 7, 2007




How much do I love these two?  Seriously, it hurts.



August 3, 2007

Makenna was waiting at the front window today for Grammy to come over, and just looked too cute.  She is SUCH a cheezer for pictures lately! 



