Happy Girl

April 27, 2009

I have to say, Kallie is just the happiest baby ever.  You probably haven’t gotten that impression from all I’ve shared about our sleep troubles, but she really is.  The only time she gets fussy is when she needs to go down for a nap, eat, or doesn’t feel like sleeping at night.  The rest of the time she is just as smiley and content as can be.  I’m so, so thankful for my sweet girl. 

The other night Mark stood her down on the ground and held her hands, and she automatically started putting one foot in front of the other trying to walk!  Naturally, by the time I got the camera she was done, but it’s still a cute video.  🙂


April 24, 2009

This shot right to the top of my list of all time favorite pictures:



Isn’t it hilarious how they don’t look anything alike?  At least I don’t think so…





Kallie with her “Ok, I’m really getting sick of this” face:


I love how Kallie’s head is pretty much as big as Makenna’s, lol…Makenna was the same way when she was a baby.  Our kids have big heads, what can I say?  They do grow into them though, thankfully.

Another portrait by Makenna:


And a couple from yesterday:


Kallie’s smile looks SOOO much like Katy when she was a baby.  I wish I could find a working scanner to compare their pictures!


The work begins!

April 22, 2009

So we finally closed on the house on Monday, but we actually started painting over the weekend.  Here are some shots of the ceremonious opening-of-the-first-paint-can and first-strokes-on-the-wall events.


The boys get to work:


Since we needed every inch of every wall painted we had planned on renting a sprayer for the major areas, but these guys were amazing (plus Laura! I won’t forget you sacrificing your back ;)) and they had almost the entire house painted in one day!! 

Here’s Kenna taking her first swipe…she was more concerned that she was getting drops of paint on her hands, and wanted to IMMEDIATELY wash them every time…so she didn’t last long. 


Here are a couple pictures of Kallie, taken by Makenna with my camera…they’re pretty good!



I’ll save the pictures of the house, and the progress made on it, for a giant Before and After post, so stay tuned!  🙂

The Many Faces of Kallie

April 18, 2009

Kallie makes some of the funny faces I’ve ever seen on a baby.  She demonstrated many of them yesterday for me. 

No lips:


No bottom lip:


No top lip:




The Smile:


The best buds having a chat:


She has also started incessantly chattering, and loves to practice rolling over…her favorite time to perform both of these new skills is all night long.  Just more added fun to her crazy sleep habits. 

QOTD:  To those of you who did sleep training, what was the longest you let your baby cry?  She almost hit 2 hours last night before we gave in…and it was over 3 hours before she was back to sleep.  The second we gave in and got her up though, she just wanted to play, which reinforces that she needs to be trained.  But 2 hours of actual crying?!  None of us got any sleep last night, including poor Makenna who is now awakened almost every night because of this.  I’m throwing my hands up!!!

Easter pics

April 14, 2009

Our Easter weekend started with dying eggs, Round 1:


It was so cute, she had the same reaction every time she brought an egg up out of the water.  Coloring eggs is so fun, even as a grownup, don’t you think?


Round 2, with Daddy and Kallie joining in:


Easter morning, getting ready to do the egg hunt:


Lucky big sister got to find hers and Kallie’s baskets:


Right before church:


On the way into church, Makenna fell and skinned her knee pretty badly.  So this is what she did for 3/4 of the service:


And once she got over how upset Makenna was, Kallie was just amazed by everything around her:


The family shot:


Hope you all had a fun Easter!

I give up.

QOTD:  What is the record longest time your breastfed baby went without pooping?

Makenna-ism of the Day

April 14, 2009

Makenna:  “Mommy, I think I need a new doggie.  Doggie has holes.”

Me:  “But what will you do with your old doggie?”

Makenna:  “We’ll have to send him to the country.”

I’m not sure if I can even label this as a “training” night, since Mark was on duty and didn’t quite follow through, grrrr…..I don’t have many details to report.  It seems like we’re at kind of a plateau; not getting better, not getting worse.  Apparently she woke 4 times…3 times he fed her and one time he stuck the binkie straight in.  Men!!  I’m not sure who will be on duty tonight, we’ll see.  But I’m sure feeling good after a whole night during which I only got up once!!  Yippee!!!!

This is my view when I walk into Kallie’s room:


And no matter what, she always has the biggest smiles for me.  It’s the best.  It’s what keeps me going through these rough months with her.  She’s already a super happy baby to begin with, and I know it can only get better as she’s more rested.  This picture was actually taken as I was laying her down for a nap.  She thinks it’s hilarious every time I do, and literally starts laughing when she hits the bed!  What’s up with that??  I love it.


She’s also getting so good at sitting up on her own.  Her problem is that she always wants to get her feet in her mouth, so she usually face plants while trying to accomplish it. 


And of course, my sweet Kenna, looking quite tired.  Ahhh, this girl is something else.  Let’s just leave it at that.   She is a girl through and through, oozing with drama.  But she is my little love; I can’t get enough of her little voice.


Makenna-ism of the Day

April 9, 2009

Makenna:  “Mommy, can I please have a snack?”  (I hear this ninety THOUSAND times a day.)

Me:  “As soon as I’m done getting ready, please be patient.”

Makenna:  “Well, I’ll just ask Grammy then, because SHE’S nice.”