October 20, 2007

Our weekend started off on another quest for pumpkins (yes, more!) and we found some of the most perfect ones we’ve ever seen…



She threw her glasses off, then announced that the sun was too bright in her eyes.




It was a fun morning. 🙂

Sick Songs

October 16, 2007

Makenna has been really sick, but I managed to catch her best rendition yet of “Are You Sleeping”.  It’s pretty pitiful…notice how she gets stuck at each line and goes on like a broken record.  Poor babe.  😦

“Meatball girlfriend”…don’t ask.  It’s just our thing.  haha


October 14, 2007

In a feeble attempt to get some of you back on board with me after my absence, I’d like to see if anyone will answer a trivia question.  The question is:

What are Makenna’s two favorite possessions in the whole wide world? 

Our Saturday

October 14, 2007

What started as a hunt for a pumpkin farm ended as a trip to the outlet mall.  Woohoo… 😦  Anyway, Makenna had fun in her little Ugg boots, haha… 




This is her very own baby pumpkin that she picked out herself.  No, we never found the pumpkin patch so we had to make do with Wal-Mart.  What a travesty, seriously!!

October 14, 2007


Do you guys know what you’re looking at here?  Mark honestly didn’t know I was taking this picture.  I thought I needed to capture one of their post-nap chats without them knowing.  🙂

Note:  Second only to my pump, our video monitor is the ONE thing I could never live without.  LOVE IT.  Go ahead ladies, have a baby and I’ll buy you one.  😉


October 12, 2007

We have long ago reached the point where we’ve been spelling things in front of Makenna so as not to get her excited or upset, etc.  Lately, since the weather is cooling down, we’ve been spelling out our talks about going to the “P-A-R-K”.  How ridiculous of me to think that we were actually getting away with something.  Now when Makenna wants to go to the park, she says “Go I-E-S-T, Mommy??”  🙂

Edited to add:  Well, apparently this story needs some explanation, haha…she picks out and spells random letters when she wants to go somewhere that we only go once in a while, so she’s pretty sure we’ll say no….get it guys?  Get it?!?  🙂

A couple more…

October 11, 2007

I had to go steal a couple more pics so you guys could see the finished product: 


The whole fam

Yes, that’s how Matt always looks.  😉


Fave of the kids  🙂

Yep, we’re still here…

October 11, 2007

Here’s some pictures from Jamie/Jodi/Jordan/Taylor/Morgan/Carter/Farmor’s visit last month:




Morgan and Makenna at the beach


Looking for seagulls



Carter and Makenna playing “Life”


Getting ready for the family photo

The attempted pics of the kids were hilarious…here’s just a few:





The only one of us…(ok, there was one more, but I was shooting Mark a dirty look, and who’s gonna post that?)



I take no responsibility for the favorite uncle!!  haha