November 29, 2008

We hope everyone had a fun and relaxing (ha) Thanksgiving!  Here’s what we’ve been up to:


The night before, Kenna and I made these little turkey cupcakes from the Pooh website.  The Pooh ones were a lot cuter. 


Here we have Mark modeling his favorite position to carry Kallie in for the approximately 3 minutes she will stay happy in the carrier.  I wouldn’t be happy in that position either.  Even when she’s snuggled in and everything is adjusted right, she still isn’t happy in it!  Arrrrgggg….neither of my girls ever want to be contained.


Making cookies with Danielle


And some outtakes from our family pictures:




We had a very nice Thanksgiving and then braved the crowds yesterday with both the girls (I know, crazy).  We found some good deals.  Today we’re home with colds.  😦  I hope we can get the tree up tonight though, so pics of that to come.

Oh, and today Kallie is one month old!  We love you, little one!

November 19, 2008

Well, things have settled down a *little* bit around here.  I wouldn’t say we’re in a routine yet, but we’re managing to get out of the house pretty much every day, which makes everyone happier.  Makenna had fun showing off her new baby sister at Gymboree, and we’re back to meeting Daddy for lunch whenever we can.

Makenna loves to stack things on and around Kallie, so I thought I’d include some pics of that:


“Look Mommy, she’s a clown!”


“Look Mommy, Kallie has lots of friends!”


Wise little one


Cutie bug  🙂


Kallie’s first bath…this picture makes me laugh out loud.  A couple minutes after this was taken, she was more mad than I’ve ever seen her, haha…not a fan of her baths.


Isn’t it so adorable when babies actually look at the mobile like they’re supposed to?  🙂

2 week checkup

November 13, 2008

Kallie’s two week checkup was today, and she was declared a healthy little baby!  No sign of the irregular heartbeat she had after birth, thank God.  I about fell over when they weighed her though.  When we brought her in for a weight check 12 days ago she weighed 7 lbs, 4 ounces…and today she is 8 lbs, 10 ounces!!!  I don’t call her my little barracuda for nothing!  😉

Kallie’s Birth Story

November 13, 2008

Thanks Tanya!!  I needed that little push from your hubby to get my brain going.  😉  I posted Kallie’s birth story on my other blog, so here’s a link to anyone who is interested.  Enjoy!  🙂

p.s.  This afternoon I added some details that I somehow managed to forget!

November 12, 2008

More pics of the girls!




I so wish this one wasn’t blurry.  Those faces are classic.





I managed to type out my birth story, but don’t know how to post a link to a Word document, if that’s even possible.  I don’t think it is.  Help, anyone?


New Morning Ritual

November 9, 2008

So far we’ve settled into one routine: the morning cuddle.  The first thing Makenna wants to do when she wakes up is cuddle with the baby, and it looks like Kallie is enjoying it just as much. 🙂




Sweet baby snooze


I’m sure there will come a time when not all of our pictures are taken in bed or in a reclining position.  In fact, we actually made it out for dinner last night with both kids in tow…and had fun!  Woohoo for us! 

Oh, the delirium…

November 7, 2008

Well, we’re still here and alive!  Kallie is a little lover girl, always content unless her diaper is being changed or if she’s being put down rather than cuddled.  She’s a good sleeper so far, only waking about twice a night (but of course, going down late and waking up early).  She LOVES to eat, which I’m hoping is a sign she’ll be the opposite of Makenna in that department.  Good burper, good pooper, I have nothing to complain about!  🙂 

Today is probably the first day where I feel like I’m really on the road to feeling good again.  Nursing did not go well, and due to some severe damage left over from Makenna that was exacerbated this time, I’m back to pumping.  😦  It’s so not fun, as I’m having to pump every hour and a half at this point.  Every second is worth it though, to see her little cheeks filling out already and knowing she’s getting the good stuff, whether it’s in a bottle or not.  I’ve had a few good cries about it just b/c of the commitment and time it takes, but after 14 months of pumping for Makenna I know I can handle it.  Ha, even with a 3 year old running around this time.  Lord help me!!

Makenna is already starting to adjust much better than earlier in the week.  We have our moments, but she’s really trying.  She’s going to be such an awesome big sister to this little one.

Anyway, Jake and Katy are here for a visit, and though I always forget to grab my camera when someone else is holding her, I did manage to get a cute shot of Katy and Kallie both smiling. 


Taking a morning snooze…she had a strenuous morning today.  At 9 days old, she graduated to a belly button!  😉  I’m super excited b/c now I can really use my cloth diapers.  I tried them earlier this week and they rubbed too hard on her cord.




Makenna, the Entertainer


I have an old picture of her sporting this hairdo when she had a LOT less hair…wish I had time to find it!

November 4, 2008

So….update on us.  What started as a wonderful recovery for me has gotten a bit tough.  Nothing major, just hitting some rough spots.  Thank the Lord I have such a wonderful husband and 2 extremely helpful families or I would be a wreck, since I HATE being out of commission.  Kallie is doing great.  Her awake moments are precious.  Makenna is adjusting as well as can be expected.  She’s getting a bit jealous and acting up a bit more, but she loves her sister to death.  Mark is surviving, but being run ragged by all his girls.  🙂 

Here are a few shots from around our house the past few days.

I’m trying to savor every second of these early days, as hard as they are.  I already get weepy thinking about how fast this baby girl is going to grow up.