Sickie Ballerina

January 29, 2010

We went earlier this week and got Makenna fully decked out in her cutesy little ballet clothes.  She looks too cute for words in them!!  However, last week during her first class, I was my typical furious self b/c three of the other little girls were ridiculously sick and their moms were comparing how high their fevers were the night before, and naturally they were coughing. like. CRAZY.  (This, by the way, is by far my biggest pet peeve ever, lol)  I prayed throughout the entire class that Makenna wouldn’t catch it, but wouldn’t you know…Saturday she came down with a fever and by today she sounded just like them with a horrible cough.  So the poor babe had to miss co-op today (which she only gets to do every 2 weeks and counts down the days every time!) AND ballet…she was just heartbroken.  So was I.  😦

Anyway, the night that we got her ballet stuff she was so excited and showing off her moves…  😉


Cheeto Luva!!

January 26, 2010

She can’t shovel ’em in fast enough.

Laundry baskets are one of those things that keep kids entertained forever…

I found Kallie sitting in there by herself several times today, reading her books or just sitting quietly.  It was so cute!!

Typical Afternoon

January 26, 2010

I’ve talked a lot about that dreaded window of time between when Kallie gets up from her nap and when Mark gets home, when everyone is cranky and antsy but there really isn’t enough time to go anywhere.  Thankfully it’s been a little warmer lately, so we’ve been doing a lot of playing outside every day.  It has done wonders for our moods!  🙂

Kallie being introduced to the playhouse:

She looks really scared here, but is actually just really spaced out, haha:

Kenna looks so grown up here, doesn’t she?  😦

Up until last week, Kallie was terrified to walk on the grass, the concrete, or anywhere outdoors.  She started walking during the winter months when we weren’t outside much, so it was all new to her.  She finally had a breakthrough, and now she runs in circles and squeals at her newfound freedom.  It’s adorable.


I was having another “I can’t believe we have 2 KIDS (not babies)” moment and was amazed at them sitting next to each other at the picnic table having a snack.  It’s so fun to watch them grow together.  I highly recommend siblings.  🙂

Don’t worry, Kallie will recover just fine from the whiplash she sustained during the making of this video:

Who says girls are quiet?

January 22, 2010

I know several moms of all boys who think that having all girls must be SO easy and quiet…that we float around on clouds of love all day, play with dolls and join hands in a circle to sing songs.  HA.  I keep very quiet in response to those people because they have NO idea the DRAMA, screaming, fighting, emotions,  mood swings, and a long list of other problems that come with girls. And they never will until they’ve lived with them and their brain has turned to mush from the whining, crying, cat-fighting and screeching that fills the house, hahaha.  I’ll be the first to admit that I will take all of that over the flip side of having boys, mostly the constant fear of broken bones or other injuries.  Obviously, those things can happen to girls too (especially when they have a dad like Mark, haha), but you catch my drift.   Navigating daily life with little girls is in no way easier than with boys, just different. 

Anyway, this video has nothing to do with most of that.  I just had to catch on video how the girls love to march around the living room pushing strollers, shopping carts, or ball poppers.  Makenna loves to sing at the top of her lungs to be heard over the popping (her song of choice on this video is the “Do Re Mi” song from Sound of Music, her favorite movie at the moment), and Kallie will join in when she’s in the right mood.  Kallie loves to alternate between pushing her stroller with her doggie in it and her current fave, the shopping cart full of dominoes.  I just love these girls.  🙂

After I took this video Makenna said, “Now Mommy, are you sure you got ALL the words to my song on video?” 

“Yes honey, even ‘Meat, a name I call myself…'”  Hahaha, little goof.

Ballet is a hit!

January 22, 2010

Yesterday was Makenna’s long-awaited first day of ballet.  The class isn’t until 3:30 in the afternoon, and I seriously don’t know how I’m going to endure every Thursday when I have to hear, “MOMMY, WHEN are we going to GO to ballet???” every five minutes.  🙂  She was pretty excited.

Since our first class was a trial class, she was supposed to wear leggings and a t-shirt.  She looked so cute in just that!  I didn’t want her to be self-conscious about her outfit being different from the other girls, so I explained to her many times before that she would wear this for the first class and if she liked ballet, she would have a ballet uniform for her next class.  She told me she understood, but when we got there and she watched all the little girls coming in for class with their leotards and tights and shoes, she started crying and asking me why she didn’t have an outfit like them.  😦  My heart was just breaking for her!!  She seemed to get over it quickly though and marched right on in to class.  I was the annoying mom who watched the whole time through the window, so these are the only pics I could get:

Every time she saw me she gave the cutest little smile and wave, which would make the teacher turn and look at me, which meant I had to duck out of sight before I could wave back.  Poor Kenna, she probably didn’t know what the heck I was doing!

As I watched her throughout class, there were parts where each little girl had to go out and dance by themselves in front of everyone else, and I felt that old fear of embarrassment I had as a child rising up in me for her.  She was nervous, but she got right out there and danced her little heart out.  It made me cry.  🙂

She was ECSTATIC when she came out.  It was the last day to order costumes for the yearly recital and I didn’t want her to miss out when the time came, so I guess we’re in this for good!  Of course I’ll have pics next week after we get her whole ballet uniform for class.  I don’t know what I’m going to do when I see her fully dressed…I’ll be a blubbering dork!

Well it’s about time…

January 21, 2010

So…no apologies this time, I’m just behind.  🙂  Our laptop crashed last week so I’m working on a new one and only have a few pictures on here.  This will be another post where Kallie steals the limelight since I only  have two pictures of Makenna, one being:

And in the other one she’s naked (don’t ask why).  So, poor Kenna gets the short end of the stick this time around.  She’s sure cute in person though!

Since I can’t remember the last time I updated (and am too lazy to check), I’ll just tell you all that we’re doing great, staying busy, growing up too fast, you know the drill.  We’ve started school back up after Christmas break, but have scaled back just a bit and aren’t doing it every day anymore.  I would like to say this is because I’ve realized that since Makenna is obviously very smart and learning very quickly, we have a short window between now and kindergarten in which I can let her enjoy just being a kid, before the real work starts.  That really is true, but I’ve also realized that she has about 10 pages left before we’ve finished our curriculum, I don’t have another one ordered, and I’m stalling.  Haha…so until I get that ordered in the next week or so, we’re enjoying being back in co-op, lots of play time, activities at church, TONS of helping around the house and everyday learning.  She starts ballet tomorrow, and her and I are both beyond excited.   Pics to come!

Kallie is….wow.  The sweetest little spitfire around.  15 months and she still won’t sleep at night.  She runs around the house exploring all day, LOVES to be outside, is starting to say some words (when she’s in EXACTLY the right mood, which isn’t often), and can eat more than Makenna at any given meal.  I say it all the time, but the only way to describe her is an absolute joy. 

I discovered the other night that she’ll eat anything if it’s covered in guacamole.  She looooooves to smear all her food in her hair, eyes, and down into her ear canals, so she is usually carried straight from her highchair to the tub every night.  🙂

Cutie patootie.

Stubborn, easily frustrated, determined, and professional fit-thrower…these are all qualities that she unfortunately inherited from me, as demonstrated in this video:

Now if only I had a video of when she REALLY throws a fit…SHEW!!!

And the dancing she gets from her dad:

Let’s hope Kenna picks up a few more ballet moves and a few less bootylicious ones soon.  😉