The Lip

December 24, 2008

The other day Mark was playing with Kallie and making strange (uh, annoying) high pitched sounds.  Apparently it bothered her too b/c she started giving the lip each time he did it, looking like she was about to cry.  It was adorable.

Cookies with Kenna

December 20, 2008

I think we’ve found our favorite project yet.


Can you tell how excited she is?


Ok seriously guys, those tubes of cookie icing they sell now are the BEST!!  Talk about easy…I was so happy with how they turned out.


If anyone is really bored, do you want to guess which 3 cookies Mark made?  😉

Smiley girl

December 20, 2008

Gazing up at Daddy with her flirty face:


Gearing up for a big one:


And there it is!  🙂


This is how I know when Makenna has been in our room in the morning before we’ve woken up:


Miss Jackie :)

December 18, 2008

Today we went to Gymboree and brought Makenna’s teachers some Christmas treats.  We made chocolate covered pretzels and peanut butter blossoms, and she helped me so much with both!  Here she is proudly displaying our bags to give:



On a sad note, today was her favorite teacher, Miss Jackie’s last day.  She’s moving and I am so upset!  She has loved and encouraged Makenna since she started going to Gymboree at 10 months old.  We were talking today about how we remember when Makenna wouldn’t participate anything b/c she was so shy, and now she’s as outspoken as the rest of them and even has her little friends that she plays with.  We will miss Miss Jackie so much!  😦


December 17, 2008

Isn’t it the best pick-me-up on a bad day to get packages in the mail?  Well, on Monday we got FOUR and yesterday we got another one!  Two were things I ordered, one was for Makenna, one was for Makenna AND Kallie, and one was for Kallie.  Boy, did Kenna have fun surprises when she woke up from her nap…it certainly solved the problem of post-nap grouchies.  😉

She got this adorable little doll from her cousins (2nd cousins, actually) Kimi and Chloee and she’s been walking around with it ever since.  The first thing she did was take off the doll’s dress (as I protested–that was my favorite part!) and started burping and rocking her.  She’s really in mommy mode. 



Thank you so much Kimi and Chloee!!

The other ENORMOUS package contained this gigantic pink pony from Gramps and Ellie (among other gifts).  I almost fell over when I saw it, hahaha….so I guess we have another new family member.  And this one cleans the floors wherever it goes!  Here’s a picture of the horse (or the camel, as Makenna calls it–go figure) giving Kallie kisses:


Kallie got the cutest little outfit from Mike, Shari, Chad, Brendon, Kimi and Chloee, and also some adorable jammies and a stocking from Gramps and Ellie.  Thank you so much everyone!!  These girls are blessed to have so many people who love them.

Oh well

December 15, 2008

With the girls both dressed for church yesterday morning, and since we were already running extremely late, I decided it was a great time to try to take some pictures (this is typical of me).  I envisioned one of those cute shots with both of them laying down, gazing into each other’s eyes.  This is what we got.  Cute, but not what I was going for.  🙂


Here is Makenna crying that her pigtails hurt because of the way I was making her lay down:


And at this point I threw the camera down on the bed in frustration and we all ran out the door.  I suppose I couldn’t expect much from a photo shoot that uses a dirty burp cloth as a backdrop.

O Christmas Tree…

December 15, 2008

We’ve done a Christmas tree cake and a gingerbread house in the past few days.  I didn’t get any pictures of the house, but here’s Makenna working on the cake:


The finished product:


Wild-haired Makenna:


December 11, 2008

This was supposed to be a video to catch Kallie laughing, but of course she didn’t cooperate.  I decided to post it anyway b/c it shows just how much Makenna loves her little sister!

She repeats everything I say to the baby when I’m fawning over her…”You are such a sweetie!!…You are my sweet girl…Are you gonna talk to us??”  And she tells me MANY times every day that she loves loves LOVES having a baby sister, and she LOVES that Kallie girl.  It’s the best.  🙂

December 11, 2008

Makenna was just talking to me about Jesus and telling me that Jesus loves me very much. 

Then she asked me, “Mommy, where does Jesus live?” 

I told her, “In heaven.” 

She said, “In Heb-en?  Is that like a hotel?”