Happy Halloween!

November 1, 2009

Well, Halloween at our house wasn’t exactly what I had planned and looked forward to (since Kallie is still sick), but we managed to take Makenna trick or treating and she had a blast!  Naturally, she was shy at first and wouldn’t say trick or treat or thank you, but after a few houses I could barely keep her from running a block ahead of us.

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Cutest little ladybug I’ve ever seen!

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Kylie went as Miss Scarlett from Clue, and a group of her friends (which happened to include half of Mark’s family) went as all the other characters.  Best costumes EVER, I loved them all!!  I’m still waiting on pictures, since I forgot my camera, and will post a group shot if I get one.

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After we got home and sorted through the loot, I showed Makenna what I used to do with my candy every year.  You’ll never guess…haha…I obsessively organized it!    I would do this over and over and over in the days following Halloween.  She caught on REAL fast.  It’s in her nature.  😉

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So Makenna’s sidekick, the little bumblebee, missed out this year.  😦  But at least we have her costume for next year, which is probably a good thing since she was terrified of it!