Ok, I lied…

December 16, 2009

There IS some big news in our family…

But don’t fall out of your chair, that is NOT our baby!! 

It is our little tiny newest niece or nephew!! 🙂

There are only 2 possible culprits to bring about this scenario in my family, and Kylie certainly isn’t having a baby out of wedlock (that I know of), so go ahead and fall out of your chairs when you realize that Katy and Jake are having a baby!!!!

Our family will be growing by one in June, and we can’t wait!! 

(But I think J&K can, hahahaha)

Love you guys!


December 16, 2009

I can’t say we really have much news around our house.  We’re just going with the flow, enjoying each day with these little munchkins, and having fun getting ready for Christmas.   We’ve made a ridiculous amount of cookies and treats, and they all seem to have disappeared somewhere…hmm.  The New Year’s resolutions will abound around here.  😉

Makenna is very much enjoying all the activities that she can do that Kallie can’t b/c she’s too little.   Whenever you find Kenna in the kitchen or the bathroom, you will also find Kallie sucking on the countertop and wedging herself onto the stool too. 

She is mastering the doors…I guess that’s a drawback of having levers rather than knobs!   No door will contain her anymore.  She is relishing the role of rambunctious little sister in every way, but she is the sweetest thing ever.  Give her a snack and her sister to play with, and she’s happy.

Makenna is still doing well with homeschooling.  We’re set to finish our preschool curriculum by Christmas already, so I’m considering starting a kindergarten one with her.  The preschool material seems so easy for her, but we’ll see how it goes.  It just melts my heart when she’s quietly working in her school room, all on her own (not during school time), and proudly brings me something like this:

She surprises me every day with the things she understands and the concepts she can grasp.  She’s also VERY responsible, practical, and organized.  I love it.  She loves to help me around the house (when she’s in the right mood) and take care of Kallie.  She has really gotten me out of a pinch several times, I don’t know what I would do without her!  🙂

Since I took the video below, Kallie has taken OFF!  She rarely crawls anywhere anymore, and actually prefers to run most places…it’s so exciting and funny and sad all at the same time.  It’s such a major milestone when they start walking, and they don’t really seem like babies anymore.  Sentimental mommy here…

Here’s another video of her talking at dinner…poor Kenna gets a little cameo at the end. 

She’s probably nearing the age where I should quit with the potty shots.  Plus she’s always living in Kallie’s shadow as it is, and here I am only giving her air time while she’s on the pot!  Geez…

We’re Still Kickin’…

December 13, 2009

Sorry for our long absence…but honestly, I feel like I haven’t had many good pictures to share.  That’s definitely a sign that I’m not thinking to grab my camera enough these days.  I need to get with the program.

I’ll be updating soon with some videos of our newest little walker, but for now I’ll fill you in on our current nighttime routine.  News flash:  nothing has changed a bit since the many months that I’ve been writing about Kallie’s sleep problems.  For a couple weeks she decided to give us just a TASTE of what a night of sleep feels like…but then she was right back to her old tricks.  Here she is 2 nights ago:

And she offers repeat performances on a nightly basis.  For hours.  Every night.  Yes.

Be back soon!  🙂