Three months ago today…

January 30, 2009

…this bright eyed little girl came into our lives.   She has brought us so much love, joy and exhaustion, and she is worth every second.



Every time I hear Mark call, “Honey, come here, quick!!”, I know that he must be doing something crazy with Kallie.  I’ve learned to grab the camera and run.  This is what he did with her while he fixed his english muffin for breakfast yesterday morning.  Apparently she loved it.  That’s a sink/dishwashing basket for those of you that don’t know.


Here’s a short little clip of our chubster.  Yes, we still cannot get over her — she’s so the opposite of Makenna, it’s just crazy!

Oh, and one more:  😉

Weekend Pics

January 26, 2009

A night in front of the tv:


I decided that when we look back, we will have no record that I was part of Kallie’s life for her first three months b/c I haven’t had my picture taken in so long, so I asked Makenna to take some pictures of us.  This is one of them; I was impressed!




Our master bath project began in February ’07 (TWO years ago, how can this be?!?) and was finally completed this past weekend.  I just have to show off all my hubby’s and my dad’s hard work.

Before:  Can we say pasty white???



And After:


Yeah, I need to iron that shower curtain, haha…

Blurry, but you get the point:



I don’t have a before shot of our toilet room, but it was stark white and NASTY!


All new hardware, and voila!  Total Makeover.


Thank you Mark and Dad, for breaking your backs and knees all weekend!  A girl couldn’t be happier.  🙂

Cutie Girl

January 24, 2009

And she loves to stand.  😉



Man, my arms have gotten hairy.

Not yet!

January 24, 2009

So the great struggle to roll over has begun.  Kallie has proven herself to be VERY persistent when it comes to physical feats.  The other day I was in the kitchen cooking dinner while Kallie was in her swing and Makenna was playing nearby.  Makenna started laughing and saying, “Mommy, look at that silly Kallie girl!”  I thoughtlessly ignored it the first few times b/c I guess I was in my own little world, haha…well, when I finally took a look, Kallie was hanging sideways out of her swing!!  I screamed and ran over to catch her, and got all emotional, blubbering over Makenna and telling her thank you for telling Mommy!  Kallie went on to do it three more times (while I was watching, don’t worry).  It turns out that every time we put her in an upright sitting position now, she flings her body forward with everything in her…on the couch, in the swing, in the carseat, everywhere.   So now we use ALL the straps that come with all the contraptions to contain her.  🙂



Yes, the socks are still on occasionally.  She claws her eyes out!


I think she’s irritated that she’s not facing Veggie Tales.  😉

Makenna continues to be madly in love with her little sister.  Whenever someone is ooing and ahhing over Kallie, I always look at Makenna’s face to see her reaction when the attention is off of her, and she always lights up and joins in on the lovefest.  She has never once reacted with jealousy.  She does show what I think is jealousy by acting out in other ways, but nothing too serious.  I’m so thankful for the love our girls already have for each other.

Kallie is becoming quite the little “talker” as well!  This little smarty pants can tell a dramatic story like nothing else.  When she’s crying or unhappy in general, it’s absolutely hilarious to listen to her melodrama.  I did get a short video of her talking in frustration this morning.  Her frustration is twofold:  she gets so mad when she gets the hiccups, but I love how each outburst is also perfectly timed in protest to Makenna smothering her with kisses.  🙂


Little Helper

January 17, 2009

We started tiling our master bath today, and let me tell you, nothing gets Makenna excited like a project around the house.  Even if Mark never has a son, he’s got a great little helper in her.



And let’s not leave Kallie out…




January 15, 2009

Here are a couple pictures from Christmas Eve and morning…


Makenna got Hello Kitty slippers in her stocking


And rings, which she is modeling above.


Our little family, minus half of mine and Kallie’s faces


If my Gran could only see this pic…in our family this is known as the Gran lip (demonstrated by Kallie).  She’s already living up to her middle name.  🙂


January 15, 2009

Sigh…we’re having some serious AT-TI-TUDE issues with Makenna lately.   You’d never know it from looking at these pictures, would you? 




The matching hats were made by Grandma Farmor for Christmas.  Kenna loves them!

January 14, 2009

Sorry we’ve been missing for so long…I’ve been extremely busy trying to get our house ready to put on the market.  Every day is a new project.  I’m doing a MAJOR clean out of our entire house, so hopefully moving will be much easier.  Anyway, we’re doing great…Christmas was wonderful.  Makenna is amazing me every day with how much she wants to learn.  She knows all her letters, so now we’re working on writing them and what sounds they make.   I ordered a simple preschool homeschooling (reading and basic skills) curriculum, so we’ll see how that goes!  I’m sure she’s going to devour it.

Kallie is the smiliest (is that a word?) little cute girl ever.  She’s always up for a good smile fest after she’s fed and clean, and she has even been laughing once in a while too.  The girls together are so sweet.  They are really interacting with each other now.  The first time Kallie genuinely smiled at Makenna in response to Makenna’s smiling and talking was the best moment ever.  I just about exploded, I was so happy!  I’ve got lots of smile pictures but my flash is just terrible on my camera so most of them are too bright, but here are a few shots anyway:






Makenna gets VERY excited about tummy time.  🙂
