Kallie’s been hanging out with her cousin Lily and showing her the ropes…here’s a shot of Kallie, 7  months, and Lily, 2 months:

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“It’ll be ok, little one” :

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Kenna, all ready for the beach…I seriously just blinked and she was all grown up, sniff…

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Look at those cute buns:

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Kallie was all set too, but she and I got rained out:

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My helpers at the house:

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Watching cheezy sing-along videos that Mark and I both swore our kids would never watch:

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Makenna looked SO cute this day, but was being a goof and wouldn’t let me take a pic:

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Swimming with the boys:

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She’s still working on crawling:

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This is how she always sits, with her feet crossed, it’s so cute!

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And of course, you all know that my favorite part of having two little ones is watching the interaction between them as Kallie gets older.  Here’s a video of Makenna doing “This Little Piggy” with Kallie.  I love how Kallie looks at her!

Tomorrow is moving day–wish us luck!!  🙂


May 22, 2009

Kallie LOVES to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Special Agent Oso with Makenna in the mornings.  This is her face while she’s watching…she sits mesmerized for a good few minutes at a time:

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Caught me taking a picture of her!

Makenna playing with her cousins, Morgan and Carter:

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She’s having a blast with them!  I so wish they lived closer so they could play.

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We spent the day working at the house, and Makenna helped out by painting some scraps we had left over from the flooring.  She was SO proud of herself!

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Kylie and I painting endless quarter rounds… 🙂

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Things are moving right along…the granite was installed today in the kitchen and master bath and it is A-MA-ZING.  I am so in love!  Pics to come soon, I promise…


May 20, 2009

Mark’s brother and family arriving in town last night was occasion enough for us to all actually get cleaned up and dressed at the same time, so I figured a picture was in order, lol….

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And the girls, of course…I’m finally letting them near each other again, haha!

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It’s an exciting week around here…we are having our new carpet installed this morning, and hopefully the granite countertops tomorrow.  The wood floors are almost done and we should be able to move in!  We will have many, many weeks ahead of us filled with tweaking and projects (and we haven’t even begun to think about the yard, which is completely overgrown), but we are ecstatic to be this close.

The vicious flu bug hasn’t left the premesis yet, and my dad was the newest victim as of yesterday.  I feel so awful that we brought this into their house!  We are all on edge trying to keep ourselves and Kallie healthy, and it’s just exhausting.  Makenna is recovering slowly.  It’s really strange–whenever she gets sick she takes weeks to get back to normal, and those weeks are NOT fun.  EVERY little thing sends her into hysterics and meltdowns, and she just isn’t herself.  It’s so hard.  The strangest part is that we were in this exact same position last year when Mark’s brother and family came to visit, so Makenna missed out on playing with her cousins and it was so sad!  They are arriving today and I’m hoping she improves dramatically so we can have some fun. 

Kallie is just…sweet little Kallie.  This girl is too much!!  She is a constant cooer, and gets so worked up trying to get everyone’s attention who isn’t looking at her.  She is determined to pull up on anything and everything.  If you get within reach of her, she lunges for the front of your shirt to pull herself up to standing.  She’s still practicing getting her legs up under her, and is scooting backwards in the meantime.  I realize I haven’t updated on her sleep habits…most nights she’s down to 2 wakings.  Last night was 3.  Grrr….I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little irritated that the 8 week old babies around her are starting to sleep through the night, and here I am still getting up 3 times a night with an almost 7 month old!  But then again, she slept for 6 hour stretches when she was 8 weeks too, so I guess I can’t compare them.  Our time will come!  🙂

Here’s a video of Kallie talking, where you can see her new little teeth:  🙂

And here she is trying to get her legs up under her to crawl!

Where Have We BEEN??

May 15, 2009

Another one of my long absences has passed, and if any of you are still hanging around and checking my blog, thank you!!  We’ve had a bit of a rough time lately and things haven’t settled down yet.  We still aren’t finished with the house, and probably won’t be moved in for another couple weeks.  SO FRUSTRATING!!  Life has just slowed us down dramatically.  The big event we were waiting for house-wise was for the kitchen cabinets to arrive (they took 5 weeks to produce and ship), and from that point everything was supposed to take off with a bang.  Well, the very same day that the cabinets finally arrived, Mark got very sick with a stomach bug and was out of commission for several days.  I thought I had succesfully quarantined him, but two days later Makenna came down with it and it hit her MUCH harder.  I don’t know what this was, but it ravaged her poor little body and would not give up.  She threw up for 3 full days straight, and has just now been able to sit up for a few minutes at a time as of tonight.  She’s very dehydrated and weak, and it’s such a battle to get her to eat or drink anything.  She is just a pitiful little sight.  I swear, nothing is more painful than seeing your baby so sick.  She also has a history of taking weeks to fully recover when she does get very sick, so I’m just praying that isn’t the case this time.

Since my last post, Kallie has cut two teeth, which are just the cutest things ever.  Believe it or not, I lost my camera for a good week, and only just now found it tonight, so I have NO new pictures, arrrgggg!!  She is also rolling over like crazy, and trying to get her legs under her to crawl.  She has started solids, so that’s been fun.  She LOVES her fruits, and eats some veggies under protest–mainly sweet potatoes and carrots.  She is quite a ham, and always wants the attention of the room.  She is constantly cooing and making noises to get everyone’s attention, then she explodes with laughter and grins to charm the pants off of them.  She’s so much fun.  She has missed her sister terribly and I can’t wait until they can play again!

I do have a couple pictures that I found on my camera from when I got my new double stroller, which I absolutely L-O-V-E.  I’ve taken a walk with Kallie in it every day, but all the neighbors must think I’m pretty weird b/c I never have another child in it since Makenna’s been sick.  😉  But the weather is getting so hot that I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to walk, grrr….

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Do please ignore Makenna’s crazy outfit in the one above.  Yes, I do occasionally give in and let her pick out her own clothes these days.  Despite what this picture says, she actually does have an eye for matching colors, so don’t be alarmed Katy… 😉

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I am sticking to my vow of not showing any pictures until I can do Before and Afters, but my mom did capture these great shots of the current state of our house…you know, the one we were already supposed to be living in?

Here’s the living room, and no, the fridge won’t be staying:

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And our front room, full of empty cabinet boxes:

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Now that Mark is back in the swing of things, we hope to have a big push this weekend.  We have a million and one random things to finish, and the wood flooring to put down.  Then carpet and granite comes next week, and we might be…dare I say it…close to ready?  I’ll keep you posted!  🙂