
January 28, 2008

Here are a few new pictures from the past week or so: 
I did NOT pose her like this–she has become quite a ham for the camera.
Gramps and Eleanor visited for about a week.  This is one of about 20 attempts at a generations picture.
She’s watching Kylie and Tony slow dance–she was enraptured by it, a true romantic already.  😉


January 22, 2008

Let’s just say I’m needing to shed a few pounds these days.  Well, here’s my motivation:  I was plopped on the kitchen floor today doing some cleaning, when Makenna said “Mommy, yours barshie sticking out.” (Sorry to be graphic, but “barshie” in our family is another word for “buns”)  If that wasn’t bad enough, she went on to say “And….yours belly sticking out.”  Thanks babe.  I needed that.  😉   At least she said it to me and not a stranger, right?

Today while I was doing Makenna’s hair, I told her she was my best buddy.  She said “No, Jakey says me best girl”.  Not sure where that came from, maybe he told her that while they were here visiting (though it doesn’t sound like him, haha).  Then she immediately started singing “Jakey loves me, this I know…For the Bible tells me so….” 

Happy New Year!

January 8, 2008


This is my attempt at an apology for not posting any…ANY…Christmas pictures.  The task is just too overwhelming to me and I’ve given up.  I’m not sure how much longer this site will last (on WordPress at least) b/c of the extra steps required to post pictures that I didn’t have to do on my previous site.  I’ve managed to over-organize the rest of my life but this is the one thing I can’t seem to tackle!!  So, my sincerest apologies for the extreme slacker I have been.  I’ll work on getting my old site back up–soon.  Ha.  😉

Here’s one tidbit from Makenna’s constantly expanding thought processes/vocabulary.

–Yesterday while I was folding laundry, she was sitting near me, violently kissing and hugging her doggy and blanket, as she is known to do.  While she was doing this, we had the following conversation:

Makenna: “Doggy and blankie can’t talk to me.” 

Me:  “You’re right!”

Makenna:  “Doggy and blankie can’t talk to me.  Doggy and blankie have no mouth.”

(I don’t know, I think that’s smart for a 2 year old?)

–Last night she filled the aisles of Ever’man’s (our little organic grocery store) with a rousing rendition of “Old McDonald Had A Farm” at the top of her lungs, making everyone in the store laugh hysterically.  She likes to replace “Old McDonald” with “Hum Bung Ga Ga had a farm…EIEIO…”  I’ll have to get that one on video for you to get the picture.

And here’s a video of our budding superstar.  She can normally keep up perfectly with the music, but as you’ll see, Mark is somewhat hindering her performance.  She’s a solo performer–she doesn’t do duets.  Oh, and she has to keep an eye on all the traffic outside too.  😉