We have been…

March 19, 2010

…sick as dogs.

You name it, we’ve had it in the last five months.  Of course as soon as I said that, strep throat popped into my mind, which we HAVEN’T had and I’m sure we’ll now get since I said it!  Haha…anyway, I haven’t had the motivation to blog (or the pictures since we’ve hardly done anything lately), so I’m sorry.  Everything started in October, when Kallie got sick around her birthday.  From that point on, we averaged a sickness about every 2 weeks or so.  Remember my post about the sick kids at ballet in January?  Yeah, that turned out to be RSV, which Makenna brought home to Kallie and was kind enough to pass on to her cousin Lily as well.  That was a scary time, and was when I took the above picture of Kallie.  She’s never been so sick. It was miserable, for all of us.  Makenna was better in 2 weeks, and Kallie recovered completely in just under 4 weeks, which was actually great considering what the doctor had said to expect.  Then we continued on through another cold or 2, and ended the winter with a bang this past weekend when Kallie, Mark and I got the stomach flu and Makenna got another mysterious something that had her in bed for a couple days.  I would declare us DONE with sickness for a while but I’ve learned not to say it!  😉

So anyway, just wanted to make all my excuses for being a slacker lately.   

Kenna’s Happenings

March 19, 2010

Makenna hasn’t lost any of her thrill with our homeschool co-op and still counts the days until we go each time.  I don’t know how we’re going to make it through 3 months without it during the summer!

Coloring with Kinley, Kyas, and Kylee (yep, the “K” names abound in her class):

The “girls club” at their Valentine’s Day party:

Kinley (in the middle) is Makenna’s BEST friend.  She’s such a sweetie and I love her mom and their family.  She has been great at getting Kenna to come out of her shell.

And one lonely shot from ballet.  Her class is HUGE!  I would imagine there has to be at least 15 little girls (and one boy, haha).  I’m so happy we switched to the main studio (I don’t know if I mentioned that on here, but we started at one of their satellite locations and transferred to the main studio which is a longer drive for us, but well worth it), but because we switched after the recital costumes were ordered, we ended up with the wrong costume for her new class.  So now she can’t be in the recital.  😦  I thought this wouldn’t be a big deal b/c I didn’t think she would really get into it that much, but she’s really learning the routine and trying hard!  It’s so cute to watch her because she’s definitely the most serious in the class, and she listens to the teacher’s every word.  She’s a mini-me.  😉  She also does tap, which is adorable.  We have a weekly countdown to ballet too.  🙂


March 19, 2010

Since we’ve been confined to the house so often lately, the girls are getting in plenty of bonding time, which of course I love.  Makenna is great about coming up with games for them to play, and bringing little sis along on her adventures around the house.   She loves Kallie so much, it just makes my heart melt.

Here they are searching for lost items under the couches:

Cuddling with Daddy for movie time:

I had to pan out so you could see that they’re watching the all-time greatest hit movie in our household, “The Sound of Music.”  I have never seen anything mesmerize these girls like this movie.  It is my LIFESAVER when I’m at my wits’ end, and has provoked many interesting conversations.  I can’t even tell you how many wonderful things you can draw out of this movie…I mean, we’ve always loved it, but who would have thought?

Exploring a new park:

I’m embarrassed about their outfits.  We’re in that in-between-seasons stage where I don’t want to buy the next season’s clothes until I have to, so that I can be sure to get the right size.  So for now they kind of look like rugrats.  😉

Mark celebrated his 31st birthday a couple weeks ago…yes, I get to say how old he is because I’m nine months OLDER!

I’m going to be getting some new videos on here soon, I promise!