
September 26, 2008

If Makenna is nothing else, she is as STUBBORN as they come.  EVERY SINGLE night she begs relentlessly to go to Papa and Grandma’s house.  Tonight was no different.  After hours and hours of begging, asking in various ways, and being told no, and when Mark and I were about at the brink of losing our sanity, this is what transpired:

Makenna:  “Oh, Daddy!  I think I left a toy at Papa and Grandma’s house!” 

Mark: “What toy?” 

Makenna:  “I’ll show you when we get there.”


34 Weeks…oh my.

September 24, 2008

So, we’ve had a crazy week.  Thank you so much to everyone who has been calling, thinking of us, and praying these past few days–you can’t even imagine how much it means to us.  Most of you have already heard our tenatively good news, so you know our prayers have been answered!  To update the rest of you–I’ll try to keep the story short.  😉 

About a week ago, some issues I had been having with heart palpitations, lightheadedness and just strangeness with my heart in general had gotten severe enough that we ended up in Labor & Delivery this past Saturday, where I had an EKG.  From there we were told that the EKG was abnormal and were sent to the ER, but we ended up leaving for many reasons that I won’t get into.  We weren’t under the impression that the results were extremely serious, so we plannned on getting it checked out at the beginning of the week since I came down with bronchitis that same day and was miserable.  Monday I got a panicked phone call from my midwife, who read me the EKG report saying that I had a blockage in my heart, and she was furious that I hadn’t followed through with testing on Saturday.  She got me in with a cardiologist the following morning, but couldn’t tell me any more.  Let’s just say we didn’t sleep that night.  Hearing you have a heart blockage at 30 years old and 8 1/2 months pregnant will send you into a panic, to say the least.  We went to the cardiologist yesterday, where I had another EKG.  The results did not concern the doctor, and he went on to explain that a certain part of the 1st EKG had been misinterpreted as a blockage, but he didn’t feel the EKG really indicated a blockage.  The 2nd EKG and all other factors seem to point to the pregnancy causing extra stress on my heart, which will cause the other symptoms I am having as well.  As a precaution I had some more bloodwork done, and I just finished a 24 hour heart monitoring, so we’re waiting on the results of those.  The 24 hour monitoring should give them a better picture of what is going on, since I had several severe episodes in the past day that will be good for them to look at.  Overall, we are breathing a huge sigh of relief since there doesn’t appear to be a blockage, but of course we’ll feel even better once we’re given the final all clear. 

For now, I’m just basking in the discomforts of late pregnancy, since all my complaints seem so trivial now!  At one of our worst moments emotionally through all this I told Mark, “I just want to go back to being uncomfortable and huge!”  It’s amazing the perspective you get through these things.  We are so thankful to God for sparing us from what could have been a really hard situation.

In normal pregnancy news, I’m 34 weeks and feeling the crunch to get ready!  We have 3 weeks until the magic 37 week mark, (the week my midwife would be “happy to see us deliver in”) but even if I go longer, it’s right around the corner.  Next week is my exam to see if we’re making any progress yet, so I’ll keep you posted!  🙂

“If I get a spanking, I will be really upset.”

“Mommy, where is the patula (spatula)?  I’m being naughty.”

“If doggy gets a spanking, he will be very interested.”

(Notice the theme, haha…there was a lot of disciplining going on in our house today.)

Jeff & Abby’s visit

September 18, 2008


Yep, not sure how much bigger I can get…

We love Jeff and Abby.  🙂

33 Week Update

September 18, 2008

We had our 33 week appointment this morning and it was a good one!  The biggest and best news is that the baby flipped and is head down, so she’s ready to go!  I had one night of INSANE movement (aka: beating me to a pulp from the inside) a few nights ago and have felt like I’m carrying her differently ever since, so I was confident that she had flipped.  I was right, and what a relief…now she’d better stay that way.  😉

My belly is measuring perfectly (not a week ahead anymore), and everything else looks good.   My next appointment is in 2 weeks, and then we start every week.  We’re getting sooooo close! 

No picture this time, only b/c I’m wearing the exact same outfit today as my last picture at 31 weeks, lol!!!  Maybe we’ll try to get one tomorrow.  😉


September 5, 2008

Lately Makenna has loved to tell me several things at once, and she puts them in number order.  This is the quote of the day:

“Mommy, I need to tell you three secrets.  One is that Rabbit says to Tigger, “Stop looking in my window!”…Two is that Tigger says, “Nah nah, I’m a super sleuth!” (these are things from her Pooh show)…and THREE is that yesterday I was laying in my bed and I picked my boogs and threw them on the floor.”  This morning she changed the third secret to be that she was laying in her bed and bit her nail off and ate it.  Either way, she laughs hysterically while I tell her how gross those things are.   Figures that I would have a little girl who loves grossing me out.  😉


*Edited to add:  The next morning the list had grown to five things, and after ceremoniously clearing her throat before she started her speech, she told me that her fifth and BEST thing was that after the baby comes, we can go back to DISNEY WORLD!!

31 weeks

September 3, 2008


No makeup and all, here I am at 31 weeks!  I’m definitely working the arched-back pregnancy waddle–I would tip over otherwise.  Baby is doing great; we had a checkup today.  She is measuring one week ahead at 32 weeks, and is laying transversely, just like her stubborn big sister was for so long.  Let’s hope she’ll turn head down on her own so we don’t have to go through what we went through with Makenna.  I was reassured by my midwife that as of today, the absolute longest I will remain pregnant is 9 more weeks (medical issues), so the end is in sight!! 

FINALLY…new floors!!

September 3, 2008

If you’ve ever been to our house, you probably know that we had reached the point where we were wanting to hand out blindfolds before you entered, our carpet was SO BAD.  We could hardly stand to walk on it.  Well, a couple weeks ago we finally took the plunge and put in new floors, and we are in HEAVEN!!

Here is the before:


Pardon the messy kitchen…you’d think I would take a moment to clear my countertops before posting pictures for the world to see.

Not too shabby, if I can brag on Mark and my dad a bit.  They did an AWESOME job!  🙂

Makenna’s 3rd Birthday!

September 3, 2008

It was a really strange weekend, for me at least.  Most of it was spent watching the hurricane, waiting to see if it would come our way, while hugely pregnant…exactly like 3 years ago when Katrina came through and Makenna was born.  It was very deja vu-ish.  We got some storms, but thankfully no babies came, and we got to celebrate Makenna turning the big 3!!!

This is the baby doll she got in the mail from Gramps and Ellie–her first package of the birthday season!

You’d better believe that this year she knew ALL about presents, and asked to open them from the second she woke up that morning.  🙂

Kenna and swollen Mommy  😉

Kenna and Daddy

Our last pic as a family of three??  Who knows… 

My crowning achievement in life — the Hello Kitty cake.  For months before her birthday, all she ever said she wanted for her party was a “Miss Kitty cake!”  Of course I had to come through for her, even though it just about put me into labor.  😉

“Ok, let’s get down to business here.”

Race cars from Daddy

Dora Jeep from her aunts…does she look excited to you?

She was shocked by the initial take-off, and was scared to drive it after that.  🙂


Can you tell she loved every second of that birthday song?  😉  She’s such a big girl.  I’m not really sure where the past year went, since it feels like I just posted pictures of her 2nd birthday…wow.