Back to School

June 7, 2011

Yes, you read that right…just as all the schools are letting out for summer break, we’re starting up another year.  We got on kind of a strange schedule starting way back when Makenna started preschool, but it works for us.  We pretty much school year-round, and then take a month off for Christmas, a month here or there, and of course we take off for vacations.  We’re still several months ahead of schedule for her age, so I guess we’ll keep going with the flow! 

Kenna finished up kindergarten back in March, so it was very convenient that our “summer” break fell during the whole month that Katy and Jake were here.  Then I kind of dragged my heels through May (following a Disney trip early in the month), and we officially started 1st grade a week ago.  It’s gone a lot smoother than I anticipated, though we’re still adjusting to the bit heavier workload.  Kallie is SO into doing “stool” at her desk with her “twacing yines” (tracing lines) workbook and her “mott-uhs” (markers).  I’m sure it will get old, but for now she’s just loving being a part of our school day.  She gets several private tutoring sessions a day from big sis too.  😉

Box Day at our house!:

Again, feels weird, but our co-op just ended for the school year and we had a big picnic and play day for all the kids.  Despite the awful heat, we all had fun.

The kindergarten and 1st grade students got to lead the pledge this time (Kenna’s in the blue):

There was lots of chalk art, bubble fun, jump roping, rollerblading, scooters, food and cake!

My sweet girl 🙂  How much longer, I wonder with a lump in my throat, will it be before she’s too cool to say that in front of her friends?  We left that day and had a chatter-filled drive home about which toys are too babyish for her now, and which things she’ll look “way cooler” doing (rollerblading, riding on a bigger scooter, etc)…..sniff.  Her little kid days are numbered.  😦

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