Where you been??

June 7, 2011

Well, I don’t know what everyone else has been up to, but we had a busy and super fun April and May around here.  April brought us a HUGELY unexpected surprise visit from Katy, Jake and Levi.  Now, if you know me, that’s about as good as it gets in my world.  Their 2 week visit turned into a month long visit, and being able to hang out and just have a daily life together was the best thing ever.  The girls had a blast hanging out with their cousin, and Kate and I had tons of sister time.  I had the worst time trying to scale down which pics to post, but here are some of my faves…

Katy and I started our time together with some hardcore daily workouts and bike rides with the kids, which was fun when we weren’t getting swooped by the Blue Angels (poor Levi had a VERY traumatizing experience).  I think there is no better workout buddy than a sister…you can just let it all hang out.  😉

We attempted an afternoon in the kiddie pool, which was a little too icy still for the babe:

Hanging out downtown with some music and lots of family:

We even had a sleepover  🙂

Easter egg hunt at the park:

Poor, poor Levi….that bunny scared me too, haha…

Easter morning at church:

Levi finding his basket:

Kallie searching for hers:

And Makenna’s reaction to hers, hahaha:

We spent some time on the boat, of course:

and on the beach:

Lots of the blankie game:

Another boat day:

Mark and Jake bridge jumping:

Even though they stayed so long, it was over in a flash.  We sure do miss this little babe…lots of fun memories though.  🙂

One Response to “Where you been??”

  1. kate said

    aww…I don’t want it to be over..promise you’ll keep updating?? just once a week?? btw, glad you stuck that last cute picture of levi smiling (kinda) in there…I swear that boy and his funny faces! I keep thinking of the slideshow that I’m going to make for his wedding…or graduation….total embarassment!

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