Undercover Mardi Gras

June 11, 2011

Yep, I’m about to knock on where we live again, so if you don’t want to hear it, kindly scroll down to my next post.  😉 

We haven’t attempted a parade in our area since we were first married, so it’s been a good 9 or 10 years.  Well, we found out this week that nothing has changed.

I won’t look down on you if you love the New Orleans/Mardi Gras culture (well, I won’t look down on you much, ha!), but it is so not us.  I mean, I know I’m a northern snob, but still.  Sigh…anyway, the parades down here involve ginormous amounts of beads, coins, moon pies, and drunken wild dancing.  I will say that I am thankful the women keep their shirts down for these “family” events though, unlike the real Mardi Gras festivities.

Anyway, we headed downtown for a parade this past Thursday night and had a great spot right in front of Mark’s office, so that was nice.  The girls were excited and Matt, Laura, Katie and Lily joined us. 

The babes weren’t too sure about the sirens at first, though as you can see, it didn’t stop Kallie from eating through her uncertainty, haha:

But they very quickly got caught up in collecting beads and dodging flying objects:

The float throwing out the ice cream sandwiches was a big hit!

So these are the types of floats that just kept coming, and coming, and coming….Laura and Katie educated me on the fact that these are all the high society people and the respective social groups they belong to.  Each group has a float and a theme, etc…some of them were PRET-TY out there.

In a very family-friendly gesture, this girl was having a little too much fun on her pole:

But this was the “float’ that did me in…

Despite the fun had by the girls and the endless laughs had by the adults, I highly doubt we will attend another parade in this area.  I guess we’ll stick to Disney parades until I get my wish to live by a big city that has just a touch of class.  😉

We left early and headed over to Music in the Park to meet up with the rest of the family for another birthday celebration for yours truly.  My amazing mom-in-law made 2 different kinds of cupcakes for our sugary pleasure and they were mah-velous.  🙂

Now girls, your butts look TINY as all get-out here, so I don’t want to hear it…but how cute is little Kallie trying to be one of the girls? 

It really was a fun night, despite the redneck wonders. 🙂


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