
November 3, 2011

The girls got to go to Target this morning to spend their birthday money.  They both wanted the same thing:  diaper bags for their baby stuff.  We quickly discovered that all play diaper bags now come with play cell phones.  Kenna was stoked because hers is flat and skinny like Mommy’s.  It’s a smartphone.  Poor Kallie got a flip phone. 

Now, a couple hours later, I overhear the following:

(Side note: both the diaper bags and the babies are flung to the side, forgotten)

Kenna:  “Kallie, quit doing that and answer me, I’m texting you.”

Kallie:  no response

Kenna: “Hold on Kallie, Grandma just texted me.”

Kallie: no response

Kenna:  “KALL-IE…..FINE.  If you don’t answer my text, I’ll just DELETE you!!!”

All of this as she browses her Taylor Swift playlist on the ipod…..

One Response to “Techie-Kids”

  1. Emily said

    This is so sweet. 🙂

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